19 November 2018

Okean Elzy in English: Comeback to blogging!

In 2018, Okean Elzy released 3 new songs and gave a big show at the Kiev Olympic Stadium; In 2018, I answered your emails/questions and I visited Kiev... Time is flying and I realize that I now have a lot to say: so, I have to go back to blogging again! :)

Okean Elzy, photo collage
© AleXa Heinze - Okeanofemotions - 2019

Since the beginning of the year, you asked me many questions about Okean Elzy & Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, you sent me several messages of support and you told me that you were hoping to read soon new posts on this blog... Some of you also said that "Okean of Emotions" has become a reference and that they are happy to find here a lot of precise information. Thank you for that. Thank you for these touching words!

A few days ago, I had a look at the statistics and I realized that from January, this blog was visited by 2.130 users and that 4.700 pages have been viewed... even though I didn't post anything! :)

Number of visitors per country in 2018
© Okeanofemotions

No new posts, but so many people visiting this blog?... I understood that I had to do something. :) It's time to go back to blogging! In fact, I have dozens of ideas: There's so much to say! Here is a list of some of the topics I'd like to write about:
  •   My blogging break
    • Why I needed a blogging break
    • What I have done since my last post - dated December 14, 2017 
    • My trip to Kiev

  • Okean Elzy & Svyatoslav Vakarchuk in 2018
    • 3 new songs and 2 videos were released this year
    • 1 concert in Kiev for Ukraine Independence Day
    • Answers to your most Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 

  •   "WikiOkean project"*!

  •  Okean Elzy France (OEFrance)
    • What I'm currently doing
    • Projects for 2019

As you can see there is a lot to do...  So, I have to start working on my next post now! :)

Of course, feel free to send me your questions/remarks/suggestions via the contact form or via email - see "About" tab.
Comments on posts are also welcome! :)


*  These words come from a reader who told me that this blog is a kind of Wikipedia on Okean Elzy. :) Well, I'm not a big fan of Wikipedia -, especially regarding Okean Elzy & Svyatoslav Vakarchuk! :)) Some write so stupid things! - but I like the idea that English speakers from all over the world can find here all the information they are looking for!