18 September 2014

Vakarchuk quote: 'I'll never stop writing about spring...'

Artwork, music guitate tree spring by Joao Fonte
© Joao Fonte

'Я ніколи не перестану писати про весну...
Весна, і в прямому, і в переносному значенні - це найкраще що створив Бог!'
Святослав Вакарчук

'I'll never stop writing about spring...
Spring is, literally and figuratively, 
the best thing that God has created!'
Svyatoslav Vakarchuk

'Майже весна - Majzhe Vesna' - 'Almost spring'
by Okean Elzy

In this song, Svyatoslav compares the woman he is in love with to spring. Spring is a feminin word in Ukrainian and Slava plays with the double meaning of the word 'She' to create a kind of 'poetic confusion' in the chorus:

'By the window, it's almost spring...
And, my God!, how suddenly 
She changes my future...
My future and my whole life!'

Do you know that an English version of 'Майже весна' has been recorded? 'Name of tomorrow'...

Honestly, this video seems a little bit strange to me... The thing is that the audio is in English and that the pictures are those of the original version where Slava sings in Ukrainian language... What an odd mixture!!
Anyway, the song is nice in English too! :)

13 September 2014

Okean Elzy - Fan art - September 2014

Okean Elzy fans are very creative... The following are a few nice projects!

Few days ago, Svyatoslav Vakarchuk received in Odessa an original gift... a doll created by the local artists of 'Волшебная Мастерская' - the 'Magic Workshop'!

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk doll
© Волшебная Мастерская

When Slava meets... Slava!
© Волшебная Мастерская

© Волшебная Мастерская

A very special gift...

Slava portraits are also very popular...

Photographer: Unkn. 

I have a preference for this one: 

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, portrait by Alexandra Kazak
Artist: Alexandra Kazak

Fans are also making montages with several photos... 

'Обійми'- 'Obijmy' - 'Hold me'

Artist: Unkn.‬

Okean Elzy, Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, photo collage, Okeanofemotions
'Dans le coeur du Poète' - 'In the Poet's heart'
©AleXa - Okean of Emotions 2014

Indeed, there are a lot of interesting & creative works available on the Internet... I'll share some other works soon! :)

'The Invisible Family' - Official Fan-Club

08 September 2014

Okean Elzy: Baku concert - 06 September 2014

The Ukrainian rock band Okean Elzy performed a concert in Baku - Azerbaijan on the 6th of September. 

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, Okean Elzy, Baku concert, September 2014
Svyatoslav Vakarchuk - Baku - 06 Sept. 2014
Photographer: unkn.

The concert took place in a magical open-air theatre... and was sold out long before the show! The things is that the band is very famous in Azerbaijan: as soon as fans have been informed of the event, they were in a rush to buy tickets. The love story between O.E. and Azerbaijanis is an old story!

Within the first minutes of the show, Svyatoslav Vakarchuk's contact with the audience worked well. The audience stood up immediately and sang with the band on Okean Elzy music.

'We are pleased to be in the wonderful Baku City. Thanks for the invitation and your hospitality. Thank you, Azerbaijan, for supporting us. We need this and it is important for us, especially at this time' said Vakarchuk as he saw a lot of Ukrainian flags in the Zeleni Theatre.   

Slava also sang with Dilara Kazimova a beautiful version of 'Suzy'. This was a magical moment.

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk and Dilara Kazimova, Baku, September 2014
Svyatoslav Vakarchuk & Dilara Kazimova - Baku - 06 Sept. 2014
Photographer: unkn.

Dilara took part in the Eurovision Song Contest this year, representing Azerbaijan... and Slava was her coach during the famous TV show 'Голос Країни' - 'The Voice Ukraine'. No need to say that Slava and Dilara know one other vey well! 

During the show, the audience applauded every song and many fans were singing with Slava. This concert will leave in the hearts and memories some inexpressible words, feelings and emotions.


'На небi'- 'Na nebi' - Baku - 06 September 2014
Sources: 'The Invisible Family' - Official Fan-Club

02 September 2014

Okean Elzy - The Albums

Okean Elzy, band members

To listen to Okean Elzy songs:

'Illegal downloading is considered stealing.'
 Legal downloading shows respect for the artists who create the music you love 
in a way that works for those artists!

Studio Albums

 - 1998


Okean Elzy, album Янанебібув - Ya na nebi buv 
'Янанебібув - Ya na nebi buv' - 2000

Okean Elzy, album Модель, Model
 'Модель - Model' - 2001

Okean Elzy, album Суперсиметрія, Supersymetriya
'Суперсиметрія - Supersymetriya' - 2003


Okean Elzy, album Gloria 
'Gloria' - 2005

Okean Elzy, album Mira
'Міра - Mira' - 2007

Okean Elzy, album Dolce Vita
'Dolce Vita' - 2010

Okean Elzy, album Zemlya
'Земля - Zemlya' - 2013 

Okean Elzy, album Bez Mezh'Без меж - Bez Mezh' - 2016

Acoustic Album

'Tviй формат - Tvij format' - 2003
Okean Elzy, album Tvij format

'Best of' Albums

Okean Elzy, album 1221
'1221' - 2006

Okean Elzy, album Vybrane

'Вибране… -  Vybrane…' - 2007

Okean Elzy, album The best of

'Океан Ельзи: The Best Of' - 2010

Other Album

'Dolce Vita - remastered' - 2010
Okean Elzy, album Dolce Vita, remastered

Solo Albums

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk 

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, album Vnochi

'Вночі - Vnochi' - 2005

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, album Brussels

'Брюссель - Brussels' - 2011

Pavel Gudimov 

Pavel Guidimov, album Trampliny
'Трампліни - Trampliny' - 2005

Denis Dudko

Denis Dudko, album Sofia
'Sofia' - 2011

Sources: Okean Elzy Official Website
               The Invisible Family - Okean Elzy Official Fan Club 

Updated: November 2018