09 November 2015

9 November, the Ukrainian Language Day!

We are celebrating today the Ukrainian Language Day... 


"Happy Ukrainan Language & Writing Day"!
© Hromadske.tv

... and this is something very special to me! :)

I've already explained here or there why I decided to learn Ukrainian language and how it changed so many things in my soul. But this is something I still can't really explain...

I'm learning it every day. One day, I only exchange a few words with my friends on social networks; the next day, I can spend 2 hours in translating a poem or an Okean Elzy song into French or into English... But Ukrainian language is now a part of my everyday life! And I have the strange feeling that it has always been there... I'm not learning it: I rediscover it!

Of course, this is an illusion... and this is probably due to the fact that I wanted to speak Ukrainian when I was only 8. I don't know. It's a kind of magic... But a kind of magic which requires efforts: Kyiv was not built in a day! :)
Anyway, when there is love, there is no question and you always want to learn more! 

There is one thing I'm sure of: If I love this language so much, it is because it sounds very beautiful and very poetic. Yes, I'm madly in love with Ukrainian poetry... What do you think of this?

Може, двоє
з іншої планети,
так само, як і ми,
взявшись за руки, дивляться
на нашу Землю
і називають її зорею.
Олексій Довгий

Maybe two people
On another planet,
Just like you and I,
Hand in hand, are watching 
Our Earth
And call it "Star".

Olexïi Dovgyï

Artist Unkn.