As already said in an older post, I find interesting to know where readers of this blog are from and which are the most popular posts...
The reason for this is simple: I want to provide you with information that fits your needs! :)
Where are you, dear reader?
Here is the top ten countries for December & January:
- Large Ukrainian communities can be found around the world, mainly in North America - USA & Canada. Hopefully, you now can share some information in English with family and friends who do not speak Ukrainian... :))
- Most of Okean Elzy's fans are Ukrainians, Russians & Belarussians. If you can easily find some information on the web about our favorite rock band (in Ukrainian or Russian languages), I suppose that you are also interested in seeing how some of them are transmitted by a Westerner to Westerners. :) I hope you enjoy it.
- Some European fans contacted me last year to get some information in English about Okean Elzy. I hope that you find here what you are looking for.
Okean Elzy must be known worldwide! It seems that we are on the right track...
Wherever you are, whatever is the reason of your visit here...
Thank you very much, all of you!
A blog is nothing without a reader... :)
What are the most popular posts?
- Okean Elzy Lviv concert, 24 August 2014: I know that you like watching videos and seeing pictures of past concerts. :) And I must admit that this show in Lviv was amazing. I remember that I watched it live on the web and it moved me deeply. This was a great event!
- Okean of Emotions: Why a French fan decided to create a blog devoted to Okean Elzy... Of course, my interest for Slavic languages/cultures/countries is something that sounds strange for most of people in the West... and for my Ukrainians friends too! "How the hell could you be interested in this - especially in learning Ukrainian language - if it is not necessary? What's the use?!..." I am now used to answer: "And what is the use of Love?! Do you need any "reason" to love someone or something?"... Yes, this is an old love story I have with Ukraine. And that's all!
- Okean Elzy - the albums. I am pleased to inform you that I will post soon some information about the first O.E. album, "Demo 94/95"... an album that has never been released! :) I hope you'll enjoy it.
Make yourself heard!
As already said, this blog would be nothing without a reader... So, if you want to:
- share with other fans some documents, videos, links...
- send me comments, remarks, suggestions...
- ask specific questions...
I would be pleased to communicate with You!