05 February 2015

Okean Elzy: "Demo 94/95" (album)

Are you ready for a fantastic trip through Okean Elzy songs? The first stop will take us back in 1994...

Okean Elzy - The early years
Photogr. Unkn.

The "Demo 94/95" album has never been released... But I must say a few words about it because it contains Okean Elzy's first recordings!

Recording date: December 1994
"Release" date: Spring 1995
Recording place: Lviv, studio "Ин Гал Вокс"
Sound engineer: Edik Grigoriev

Okean Elzy - The early years
Photogr. Unkn.
On 14 January 1995, the new Ukrainian rock band Okean Elzy played its first concert in the Opera Square, in Lviv. A few days after this event, the band members recorded some samples of their songs at Edik & Seriogi Grigoriev's studio in Lviv.

Okean Elzy - The early years
Photogr. Unkn.
This audio tape, entitled "94/95", was not for sale: these samples of the band's music were supposed to help promote them to potential sponsors/producers and to radios. But some copies of this audio tape have also been given to a few friends and acquaintances!

Okean Elzy - The early years
Photogr. Unkn.
However, even if it has never been released, "Demo 94/95" is  considered to be the first Okean Elzy official recordings!

Okean Elzy - The early years
Photogr. Unkn.
It should be noticed that some of these songs have been included in others Okean Elzy albums: "Там, де нас нема / Tam, de nas nema" & "Будинок зі Скла / Budynok zi skla"...  But that's another story! 

Okean Elzy - The early years
Photogr. Unkn.

"Demo 94/95" contains 14 songs:
  1. Голос твійHolos tviy
  2. Кам`яний лісKamianiy lis
  3. Mikey Maus - Mickey Mouse
  4. Сумна ЛялькаSumna Lialka
  5. Вона пидишла до вікнаVona pidichla do vikna
  6. Як тиIak ti
  7. Золоте вікноZolote vikno
  8. Кам`яний ліс (вторая версия)Kamianiy lis (vtoraja versiia)
  9. Long time ago
  10. Місто в ночі Misto v notchi
  11. Одіноке дітяOdinoke ditia
  12. В очах твоїхV otchah tvoih
  13. Я бачу дощ Ia batchu dochtch
  14. ЗачекайZatchekaj 
Of course, videos and audio files of these songs are very rare... but here are those I found. Enjoy!

В очах твоїхV otchah tvoih

Long time ago

 Sources: Okean Elzy Official Fan-Club