07 September 2015

Support Ukrainians with Okean Elzy and charity "Кожен Може/Everybody Can"!

Last week, Okean Elzy decided to support the victims of the tragic events that took place in Kiev. Svyatoslav Vakarchuk immediately provided funds for this cause: part of this amount was allocated to the families of the deceased; the rest went to the care of people seriously injured.

Today, 17 patients are in the hospital and 3 of them are still treated in intensive care. As the treatments are heavy and expensive, Okean Elzy fans and all Friends of Ukraine, are invited to take part in this action.

If you want to join us, please visit the website of the charity "Кожен Може / Everybody Can": http://everybodycan.com.ua/charity/

On the homepage, you will access to information for bank transfert.
For online payment, click on "Donate".

Instructions for payment by credit card (secure payment in EUR, USD, RUB or UAH) are in English - easy and intuitive navigation!

Each of us can take part in this noble cause. 

Thank you in advance for your help!